Dental crowns are a popular cosmetic and restorative dental solution for those with damaged, broken, or decayed teeth. A crown is a custom-made cap that fits over the entire surface of a damaged tooth, providing protection and restoring its natural shape and appearance. Dental Crowns are made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, resin, and metal alloys.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Protection: Dental crowns provide a protective layer over damaged teeth, helping to prevent further damage or decay.

Restoration: Crowns can restore the natural shape, size, and appearance of a damaged tooth, improving its overall appearance and function.

Durability: With proper care, dental crowns can last for many years, providing a long-lasting solution to dental problems.

Versatility: Crowns can be used in a variety of dental applications, including cosmetic procedures, restorative work, and as part of a dental implant.

Comfort: With today’s advances in dental technology, crowns can be made to fit comfortably and securely in the mouth, reducing the risk of pain or discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

How long do dental crowns last?

Dental crowns can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years, depending on the material used, the location of the crown, and the patient’s oral hygiene habits.

Can dental crowns be removed?

Yes, dental crowns can be removed by a dentist if necessary, but this can result in further damage to the underlying tooth.

How do I care for my dental crowns?

To care for your dental crowns, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.

Are dental crowns covered by insurance?

The coverage of dental crowns by insurance can vary depending on the individual policy, but many insurance plans do provide coverage for crowns as a restorative dental procedure.


Dental crowns are a versatile and effective solution for those with damaged or decayed teeth. While there are some risks and potential complications associated with dental crowns, the benefits of this procedure far outweigh the risks for many patients. If you are considering dental crowns as a solution for your dental problems, it is important to work with a qualified and experienced dental professional to ensure the best possible outcome. Whether you’re looking for a cosmetic improvement or a restorative solution, dental crowns can provide a long-lasting and effective solution to your dental needs.

Dr. Fernaz Behlim
Specialist Orthodontist

MDS Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics

Dr. Fernaz is our Specialist Orthodontist from India who has experience dealing with patients of all ages. She’s known for perfecting smiles with braces and Invisalign for over a decade.